Supporting Those on the Front Lines

At Mezzo Allies, we understand that helping survivors of family-controlled trafficking and organized abuse escape to safety is complex and challenging. That’s why we offer personalized, one-to-one consultation for advocates currently working to help a survivor get free.

Our Service:

  • Expert guidance from experienced professionals and survivor leader

  • Tailored strategies for each unique case

  • Confidential and secure consultation 

  • Ongoing support throughout the escape and initial recovery period

What We Offer:

  • Risk assessment and safety planning

  • Trauma-informed approach strategies

  • Navigation of legal and social service systems

  • Resource identification and coordination

  • Crisis intervention techniques

How It Works:

1. Contact us through our secure email

2. Scheduled consultation with a specialized expert and survivor with lived experience

3. Develop an action plan

4. Ongoing support and follow-up as needed

Who It’s For:

  • Social workers

  • Therapists

  • Law enforcement officers

  • Medical professionals

  • Teachers and school counselors

  • Community advocates

Your work is crucial. Let us support you in supporting survivors.

Note: If you believe someone is in immediate danger, please contact emergency services immediately.

Human Trafficking hotline number :


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